Christ Church has a faithful, Bible-based approach to worship, preaching and prayer. Our worship style is simple, unfussy, and easy to follow. Whether you are a committed Christian looking to deepen your faith, exploring Christianity for the first time, or anywhere in between, our hope and prayer is that you will find a warm welcome and a place where you feel at home.
8.00am Holy Communion
A quiet and traditional spoken service, following the Book of Common Prayer. A full sermon is preached. This service lasts around 45 minutes. It is usually followed by a light breakfast, which all are welcome to join for.
10.30am Morning Service - LIVE STREAM click here
This is our larger gathering. Children are always welcome. Our usual pattern:
1st Sunday of the Month – All Age Worship. This service lasts around 45 minutes. There are no separate groups for children, because we stay together as a whole church family to worship.
2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month- Communion. Children begin in the service with their parents but go out to Junior Church shortly after the service begins. They return just before we receive Communion. This service lasts around 1hr 15mins.
3rd (and 5th) Sunday of the Month- Morning Worship. Children begin in the service with their parents but go out to Junior Church shortly after the service begins. They return as the service ends. This service lasts around an hour.
Daily Prayer
Daily Prayer happens Monday-Friday online via Zoom- at 8am and 5.30pm. We also have a Saturday morning prayer meeting, and a Sunday evening ‘night prayer’. You are very welcome to join- no experience necessary. For login details, please email Rev. Phil- Vicar@suttonteamministry.org