Welcome to the Christ Church CHOIR page!
Thank you for taking an interest in our Community Choir.
This choir is for children and young people aged 8-13- school years 4-8. There is no audition, and no previous experience is needed.
About the choir
Why is singing such a good thing?
Singing has all sorts of benefits- it is good for us physically, socially, psychologically, educationally and musically. It is also really fun! This choir is going to focus on fun, participation and inclusion.
Who is running the choir?
The choir is run at and by Christ Church Sutton. We’re in Christchurch Park, just off Brighton Road. The choir will be led by Clare Russell, who is an experienced musician, choir leader and teacher. Clare is also a qualified counsellor and life coach. She has a particular interest in children's and young people’s mental health. A team of volunteers from the church, led by Revd. Phil will help run the afternoons. Everyone involved has had all the necessary training and DBS checks.
Will the choir only sing church music?
No. The choir will sing all kinds of songs, from various different places. We will sing some Gospel/Christian music, but this choir is open to everyone. In time, the choir may sing occasionally on a Sunday morning in family-friendly church services.
Do I need to read music to join in?
No. You won’t need to read music to join in.
Times, cost, and other details
When does the choir run?
The Choir will run after school on a Friday during term time. The singing will begin at 4.15 pm, but the church will be open from 3.30 pm to accommodate people finishing school at different times. Before the singing starts, there will be a café running, with (free) biscuits, drinks, and healthy snacks. The Choir will finish by 5 pm.
What dates is the choir running on?
The Choir will begin on Friday 12th May, Friday 19th May, and Friday 26th May. After half term, it will run on June 16th, June 23rd, June 30th, July 7th, and July 14th. From September, it will run in five-week bursts every half term.
Can I drop my child off at choir?
Yes. Parents do not need to stay. However, we will need parents to fill in and sign a form giving permission and sharing relevant information (such as dietary requirements, contact details, and allergies). We’ll also need to know who is picking them up afterwards. If somebody other than you are picking them up, we’ll need to know that beforehand.
Can my child walk to the church by themselves from school, and walk home afterwards?
Yes, if they walk to/from school by themselves. We’ll still need a form from you, and express permission for them to leave by themselves.
How much does the choir cost?
The choir is free, but we do encourage a donation of £1 a session, to help us cover costs.
For other questions, or to let us know you’re coming, please contact Revd. Phil-
020 8642 2757