Community and Outreach

Serving the local community around Christ Church is one of the reasons we are here, and something we’d like to grow in. If you can think of ways that we can serve the local community, we’d love to hear from you.

Community Wednesdays

The church is open every Wednesday, all year round, between 9 am and 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to come into the church during this time. Tea and coffee are served. A light lunch is served from 12.00 am-12.30 pm.  Every Wednesday morning from 9.45 am we have an arts and crafts group you are welcome to join in with if you wish (free of charge). 

Community Garden

The church has an enclosed garden area behind it with a playground for young children. Members of the public are very welcome to use this space at their own risk when it is not in use for church activities. Please be aware that it is used every weekday from 9am-3.30pm during term time. 

Christ Church playabout

A group for parents/carers and toddlers on Monday mornings from 9.00am-11.00am in the church building. All welcome

Fledgelings pre-school

Christ Church provides a quality, affordable pre-school to the local community. More details here.

Sutton South Hello

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Sutton South Hello is a community group, hosted at Christ Church but built up by local residents, councillors, residents’ associations, churches, Neighbourhood Watch and the local police. It was started in response to awareness that Sutton South has a very high proportion of older people, many living alone. The overall aim is to establish a friendly and welcoming place where people can come to meet others living nearby and find out where local activities were taking place and where to go for advice. More information.

Care and Residential Homes

We are pleased to be able to make visits in and hold short services in a number of residential homes and care homes around the Parish.  If you would like to find out more about this, then please contact the Vicar Revd Phil Brooks.