Easter Sale

On Sunday 10th March the Junior Church held an Easter Sale in aid of Grassroots - the charity they are supporting this year. They raised £300.32 to sponsor two children in Tanzania. 100% of the money raised goes to supporting the children.

Grassroots Talk - 14th January 2024

Geof Haseler came to talk to Junior Church about the charity Grassroots, which the children will be supporting in 2024-2025. Grassroots helps children by providing food, education and medical care through sponsorship. Geof showed us photos of Samwel and Gresious, the children we are sponsoring in Tanzania. We had great fun learning some words in Swahili and how to do a special Tanzanian handshake!

Sunday 17th December - Nativity.

Children from Junior Church and visiting families were able to dress up in costumes and participate in our Nativity play. They processed around the church to portray the Christmas Story - angels in the pulpit and sheep everywhere!

Sunday 10th December - Junior Church Christmas Party

Junior Church celebrated at the end of term with a Christmas Party. They played musical chairs, musical statues and parachute games. Then they returned to church for their party food!

Cantonese fellowship's first meeting on the 7th of October '23

Christ Church Sutton 即將開始廣東話團契事工。顧名思義,團契以廣東話進行,查經及分享。查經時間,歡迎10歲以上孩童參與。10歲以下可以參與小朋友活動﹝例如室內遊戲或電影等﹞。由弟兄姊妹輪值照顧。

團契於2023年10月開始,每月第一個星期六下午5時30分至7時30分 (因晚膳和分享時間,可能至8時30分左右完結)。

第一次聚會將在10月7日(週六) 本堂舉行,邀請來英開會的范晋豪座堂主任 (香港聖公會諸聖座堂主任牧師,Canon Theologian for the Diocese of Southwark),為我們帶查經。與我們一起分享。

團契資料及登記,請按 https://forms.gle/LR6re2LAQnEsFFpG6 。登記後,同工會聯絡10月7日安排。若有查詢,歡迎電郵 annisa.christchurch@gmail.com to Annisa, Outreach Minister。

此事工以Christ Church Sutton 及聖公會堂會教友為骨幹,歡迎來自不同教會背景的信徒。若已有恆常教會聚會的信徒,這是格外團契時間,我們不主動及不主張隨意轉教會。若有信仰查詢,本堂主任牧師歡迎相約傾談。

Junior Church Summer Party

Everyone had a great time celebrating the end of term by playing games in the garden and eating lots of food. Summer holidays are here!

Junior Church's sports activities & raising money for the local charity Home-Start (Sutton)

Junior Church took part in sports activities in the Christ Church Community Garden.

This was to raise money for the local charity Home-Start (Sutton) which helps support families with young children.

They had a great time raising a total of £319.50.