Ласкаво просимо! Willkommen Bienvenue Vitajte ようこそ Bine ai venit Welcome Добро пожаловать! Benvenuti 歡迎 እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ Witamy እንካዕ ዳሓን መጻእኩም BIENVENIDO EKA BO

Welcome to Christ Church.
We are a Church in South Sutton.

Our Sunday services each week are at 8am and 10.30am.
Follow LIVE STREAMING from the 10.30am service.

Christ Church is welcoming to all people. Whether you are a committed follower of Jesus, exploring faith, or ‘just’ visiting, you can be assured of a warm welcome and a supportive community. We have people of lots of different nationalities, backgrounds, income brackets, and different ways of looking at the world. And we love that about our church. We’d be thrilled to get to know you.

我們特別歡迎所有由香港來到英國的朋友。我們很期待認識大家,希望您將會在本堂找到一個屬靈的家。 歡迎在以下連結填上個人聯絡資料,讓我們主動認識您,期待於主日早上10:30崇拜與您相遇。


We continue to offer worship on live-stream for anyone who is unable to come to the building. Morning and evening prayer continues to take place on zoom. For more details, please click on the live-stream link above, see our ‘SERVICES’ section, or email Rev. Phil on VICAR@SUTTONTEAMMINISTRY.ORG



About us

baptisms, weddings and funerals